Sunday morning 2/11

We are working on our morning routine today. This picture is Gideons area. On my bedroom floor. His wedge that he sleeps on is too big for the co sleeper we were gifted for him that’s setup next to the bed so for now, he sleeps on the floor. I really do want to use that co sleeper… hopefully soon if I find a different elevated wedge for it. He doesn’t mind. It makes it easy to just slide out of bed at night and deal with him and climb back in bed.

This morning, the plan was to get the big boys up and situated, pump, feed & medicate Gideon and hang out as a family downstairs. 2 of us (not Gideon or I) have sniffles/cough so 1 is in his room happily entertaining himself alone while the other 3 are downstairs and I’m in my room with Gideon to try to keep us away. He pooped from 8-9am (yep, takes him a while) and I waited until I heard the 4th round to make sure it was safe to change him. He had a MASSIVE diaper. I opened it up, started cleaning and he let loose yet again. I was covered from my chin to my toes and everywhere in between. My clothes, his clothes, blankets, floor, boppy, my skin. Um, yuck. I cleaned him up and called bo to help feed him, we need to try to keep him on schedule as we are changing up his feeds almost daily to progress him. Bo fed him while I showered and cleaned up the mess. Bo troubleshot his feeding pump and we think we got that figured out so now for his 9am feed, he just got plugged in at 950 to take his last 25ml. Not bad considering! So his pump will finish at 1010, then I’ll flush his line and he will be done with his morning routine only having taken 1 hour 40 minutes.

Bo has the other 2 Little’s downstairs and is trying to manage them while making breakfast for the 5 of us.

As long as I don’t cave and buy a bunch of junk food at the store and keep the fridge well stocked with chopped/washed lettuce, this is going to go well for my weight loss goals. Every time I open the fridge if I find a bag of clean, chopped lettuce, I’ll throw it in a bowl with anything else nutritious I can find and eat a salad. If there is junk, I’ll grab junk but we don’t usually have junk food on hand so I’ll go without which I shouldn’t do right now.

We slept a little better last night! I went to bed much earlier and only had to help wake bo a few times for the midnight feeding but never got out of bed. I handled the 3am he did most of the 6am but we shared that one too. A much better plan than the previous night. We will keep tweaking to see what works best for us.

Prayers for today: a healthy home! Please. All of us need excellent health! None of us have got enough sleep so I think the kids may have early/extended naps today to try to catch up on some sleep and heal their bodies.

The picture is Gideons little area. We are getting a routine down with the constant stream of bottles/milk measuring cups, food bags, medicine syringes and other necessities he has to keep it mildly organized. I wasn’t going to keep any of the gray bins from the hospital but I’m sure glad I did! Everything gets stored in those and they are in a constant rotation going upstairs and downstairs to wash, rinse, dry & repeat with all the necessary equipment. The black bag with the little orange thing in it is his feeding pump. Pretty cool it’s so portable so we can just grab it and go and we keep everything we need to feed him right in the bag. I’m sure I could probably fit a couple diapers and small pack of wipes in it too so that may just become my diaper bag for him. We’ll see, it is pretty small. But I’m glad they make it portable for us so we can leave the house and feed him on the go.

Ok, gotta go finish scrubbing the carpet. Have a great, healthy day! THANK YOU for praying for us all!!

3 Replies to “Sunday morning 2/11”

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