Nothing New…

Not much to report this week. Bo started his new job and is enjoying it. They have daily devotions as well as a weekly chapel service where he works now which is pretty awesome that he can take his faith to work. He won’t be able to go to all the services because he’s the new guy and has to man the phones right now but that will change at some point. He works Mon-Fri from 8am-5pm and hasn’t had to stay late yet like he did at his last job.

I’m still looking for a job but have 2 new leads. I’ll find out from 1 this week at some point and the other probably won’t be until next week because the recruiter is out of town this week. I’m not sure which job I want more, the first one is work that I LOVE and that pays very well, BUT it would be going back to shift work again based on seniority which I have none of. It’s also only 4 days per week with 3 days off which is nice as well and there’s lots of overtime available so I’d make enough for us to buy the appliances we need for our house (washer, dryer & fridge). The other job pays less but it would be normal Mon-Fri 8am-5pm with no weekends or holidays or any of that which I love the idea of. We’ll see where God wants me if either of these leads pan out.

The house is going great, i’ll post pictures tomorrow. The foundation has been laid, it looks REALLY small and the yard is quite a bit smaller than we thought as well. The patio hasn’t been laid yet so after it is, i’m thinking we’re only going to have about 4 feet of yard from the back of the patio to the fence in the back. We’ll see. Estimated closing date is still Sept 19th though the pessimist in me is planning on October 1st.

The wedding is in 18 days, things are still being planned and being changed and being worked out. I’m so ready to be done with it all right now. I just want to get married, go on our honeymoon and come home and live together but none of it is going to happen that way. There are more details to work out for the wedding, bags to stuff, decorating to do, payments to make, confirmation to call on, dress to pick up, etc etc etc. And we have to print everything for the honeymoon, pack for 2 weeks with no laundry available and get there then when we return home on Aug 1, we have no place to live since the house isn’t going to be up until Sept 19th. We’ve got some house sitting jobs lined up for that time but just a week here or a few days there, other than that we’ll probably be with his mom depending on where she’s at, or my parents or in a friends trailer until our house is done. Not exactly how we planned on starting our new life together but we’re so thankful that we have the inconvenience of being homeless for 6 weeks to get our own home it doesn’t matter. I’m so excited for the wedding, I think it will be great. We went to a friends wedding at our church this last weekend and it was so beautiful, I LOVED it. It was simple and classy and beautiful and fun. Our wedding should be similar to theirs but we’re having food catered and we have a DJ as well which they didn’t but I’m hoping it’s similar to theirs because it was just perfect.

I’ll write more tomorrow after I have the frame walk meeting with the superintendent for our house and post pictures of what’s there so far. Thanks for reading! Feel free to leave a comment, here’s how to do it again (i know it’s kind of confusing on this page) … click on the red “comments” word below. Enter your comment in the box, click on “name/url” and you can enter your name as who the blog is from. You do not have to have an account to post a blog, you just have to have a name :)

Much love!
Kari & Bo

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