More couponing loot…

I’m so excited for what I found today! Michaels was having a HUGE sale and I have been collecting coupons and went today and got some good stuff! The pictures don’t show it very well but I was too excited to get decorating and took the pictures of everything I got AFTER I used it to decorate. I got a 6′ long swag, a 2′ long swag, a wreath, 4 small swag like things that matched, 4 – 8×10 picture frames and 3 – 5×7 frames and a sheet of sticker present labels. We asked our family members for unframed 8×10 pictures of themselves for Christmas so we can start our “family wall” in our house and have framed pictures of our families to see so that’s why we bought the frames. Here are the pictures of what we got… see how much I saved below!

The 6′ swag above the kitchen cabinets with christmas lights in it (we used our own strand)

2 of the 4 small matching swag pieces added into what we already have on the coffee table.

The 2′ swag on the TV.

We took the clock off the wall and replaced it with the matching wreath.

We also got our christmas tree today! We cut off the bottom and had to take a few of the branches off the bottom as well that were too low and I didn’t want to just throw them out because they look nice and smell good. So I took the twigs that we normally have in this vass out and put a large plastic cup in the bottom with water and christmas tree juice and put some of the branches in there, I think it looks nice and it smells great! Then I added the last 2 swags that I had left to this to tie it all in together!

Here are the frames we got. We got 4 – 8×10’s and 3 – 5×7’s because they were on such great sale and we’re planning on hanging a ton of pictures in the near future. I LOVE them, we actually wanted more but they were sold out so we got a rain check for more after they get more in.

Here is a bit more of the detail of the wood work. Dark brownish/black sort of rustic looking, the picture of course doesn’t do it any justice but they are really pretty frames.

Total retail for all of this was $273.42. I paid $100 even! Savings of about 65%! WOO HOO!!!

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