House Update

We put our offer on the house on May 20th and got to stick the “for sold” sign then. It was pretty exciting for us. The process has been moving along with permits, down payments, deposits and all that other stuff you can’t actually see on the property. Today was our “pre construction” meeting and the day they drop lumber. They’ve laid the foundation already and are scheduled to begin constructing the frame on Monday July 7th. Estimated closing date is September 19th which the superintendent told me has an 85% chance of being correct. He said even if they finish early, we won’t close early so I guess September 19th will be the earliest we can get in. Between house sitting, parents, friends and possibly trailers, we should be taken care of for the month and a half we will be homeless after returning from our honeymoon. Eventually the house will look like the one below but it will be blue. We’re getting so excited about the wedding, honeymoon and house! So much to look forward to! I’m still looking for a job as well…. it’s pretty amazing how a house can go from this to this in a matter of months…. so exciting!!!!

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