It’s been a while since I’ve updated. Here are a few pregnancy pictures from our first 6 months.
Baby Blueberry @ 20 weeks

We had the ultra sound tech write down the sex of the baby and seal it in an envelope so we didn’t know. We took it to a bakery and had them make a cake with secret tinted frosting inside, pink for a girl, blue for a boy. We had our families and a few friends over to all cut into the cake together and reveal the sex of our baby….
It’s a BOY!!!!!!
18 weeks
19 weeks
22 weeks
24 weeks
Nursery before – from the door
Nursery after – from the door
Nursery before – from the closet
Nursery after – from the closet
Nursery before – from the room
Nursery after – from the room
The paint colors are a baby blue and latte brown though it looks like bright blue and ivory in the pictures, I didn’t get the right light in the room for the pictures. Bo painted the nursery while I built the bookshelf and changing table then we put the crib together then he fixed the changing table :) hahaha.
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