Friday Night 1/26

Well, we had a pretty uneventful day today, thank goodness. Last night was rough so a peaceful day was just what we needed. I diid get in a tiny nap but certainly need more, good, quality sleep tonight so I’m praying for a peaceful night for the both of us.

They tried to wean him off the cardiac drug again today and he again did not tolerate it. His heart isn’t quite strong enough yet to take on the full load itself so they will give him some more time apparently. It will be discussed at rounds tomorrow to see if they want to give him more time or come up with an alternate plan.

We didn’t take steps backwards, we just didn’t move forward today. Other than feeding, his tube feeds are up to 9ml per hour from 3 ml per hour so that’s good. He is peeing and pooping and we are “binkie training” for him to get food by mouth as well. I’m not sure if it’s more training for him or me but we are both learning and it’s not very fun for me. At only 5 lbs, he is still a little guy and he is so finicky and fragile, I’m just afraid to have a lot of interaction with him so when the occupational therapist told me it was my job to feed him today, I wasn’t too happy to hear it. I need a few extra hands to be able to prop him up sufficiently, squeeze the syringe, hold the binkie and monitor the suck, swallow, breathe pattern that he hasn’t quite got down yet. We tried twice today and the first one was better than yesterday and the last one was better than the first so we’re making progress. Again, not as quickly as we had hoped but he is taking his sweet time. I also changed his diaper for the first time today. I have throughly enjoyed the nurses doing that for me again, he is so fragile, I’m terrified to touch him. They had to teach me how to pick him up properly to change his diaper because you can’t just lift his feet up like a normal baby because he has a sternotomy so we have to be much more careful with how we move him. Ooh, he did a big poop tonight, good boy! Check that one off the list of things to accomplish for the day as well! He had 4 things to accomplish today and he achieved 3 of the 4 of them. I just got to feed him for the 3rd time today too and he did great. Totally wore himself out and went right to sleep.

He has been pretty calm and settle today. Hopefully he will be even more calm and settle tonight. Please continue to pray for his cardiac output, that it increases and he tolerates the weaning from the cardiac drug tomorrow and pray for a quiet, peaceful night for him.

Here are some pictures of my “home” here. I’ve added a 6th blanket to my bed in hopes that I won’t freeze like a popsicle tonight, the bed is directly under the air conditioning vent so it’s very cold. I spend my time either in here or in the family lounge where I eat all my meals or walking the halls for exercise. I got a scalding hot shower today which was heavenly and did a load of laundry as well.

Please also continue to pray for me. I need sleep, peace of mind/heart and healing still. I’m going to go spend some time snuggling him then hopefully try to get to sleep early tonight and sleep all night long without interruption.

Thank you for your continued prayers and support. Reading all your comments on the blog and on the FB posts are so encouraging to me, I may not reply to each one but I do read them and I am so encouraged and lifted up by them which is great, I really need to get my mind and my heart grounded again.

This is what’s on my lap when I get to hold him to snuggle. Can you find his toes?


Thursday morning 1/25

Yep, it’s 3:30pm and I’m just getting around to the morning update. Oh how time flies.

Gideon is continuing to progress and improve. He is still not yet “out of the woods” they say, but he is showing signs and milestons of improving everyday so that’s a good trend for him to continue.

Todays milestones for improvement were #1 – get the NG (nasogastric tube) placed for feedings. CHECK! #2 – start feeds. CHECK! #3 – Have the occupational therapist come check on him to see if he needs a swallow study. CHECK! The tube was placed this morning (or maybe late last night?), the occupational therapist was here working with him when I returned and doesn’t think at this point he needs a swallow study done. He doesn’t quite suck and swallow right yet, he got milk up in his nose so he’s all stuffed up and sounds really congested now which sucks but she said that’s common for little guys, especially little heart guys. They will continue feeding him (through a binkie) 3x per day and hope that he picks up on it and gets it down properly so he can upgrade to a bottle at some point in the near future. He is getting feeds through the NG tube as well which is good because he worked much too hard to suck and swallow the little amount that they gave him that they had to stop. It was too much exercise for his body to eat just a tiny bit from a binkie. It may take a few days for him to get it down though. I just hope he can figure out how to keep it out of his nose soon because he sounds so congested since he ate, now he’s purring like a stuffed up kitty resting since he’s flat EXHAUSTED. Musta been some good momma milk :)

I got the big boys home last night. Hats off to my parents for having them the majority of the last 12 days. Thanks also to Sara & Rachel for helping out and Lisa too. I expected a tough transition home and had planned and prepared to be the most grace filled, compassionate, sympathizing, empathatic mother ever there was, but wow. I did NOT expect what came home last night. Ha. Not only have the boys physically grown bigger since I saw them last, they apparently have forgotten what manners are and have brought home quite big attitudes with their bold personalities. We made it successfully through the night without major incident and enjoyed some snuggle time in my bed before we parted ways to go to sleep for the night. Elijah got to sleep in daddies spot next to me in bed and he was surprisingly the first one asleep! Moses was 2nd to follow but was back up at 130 for some reason crying so he got to join me in bed too since I was too tired to get up and go snuggle him in his bed, I just brought him to my bed too and I had about a 6″ sliver in the center of my bed to sleep in while the big boys slept diagonally in mine & bos spots. LOL. We had some really good snuggle time though, especially this morning.

I brought the boys up to the hospital with me today to meet Gideon. They were so excited and they did great. They were quiet and calm, they were so excited to see him in person and say hello and tell Gideon that they love him. It was so sweet. Elijah doesn’t quite know what to think yet, I think he’s concerned about Gideons “sickness” and how his heart was cut open (his heart wasn’t cut open, he just doesn’t have the correct understanding of it) and is concerned as much as he is excited to meet him. It was so good for all 6 of us to be together even if it was only for a minute and so good for all 5 of us to be together for 15 more. I can’t wait to get all my boys home although I am terrified to take Gideon home, but he’s still way too weak and fragile, he’s got a lot of strength to get before he will be heading home. He is heading in the right direction!

His next milestone will be to get off of the cardiac drug he is on, they were going to try to do it today but decided that his other 3 milestones he hit today were enough for him, they knew he would need a lot of rest and recovery time after that which he does. So tomorrow, they will work on getting him off another cardiac med. His Epi has been off for just over 24 hours now which is great! He is also off the nasal cannula so he is breathing 100% on his own with no assistance and keeping his sats up high enough for the most part. Yay.

Please pray for continued positive trending for him. Pray for the congestion from the feeding to clear so he doesn’t sound all stuffed up. Please also pray for Bos transition with the big boys back home. Bo and I are still so fragile, as are the big boys from all of this, I learned in the first 5 minutes of the kids being home last night they were going to have to learn how to wait. Be patient. Mommy can only handle 1 request at a time and they need to be able to have some patience for me and each other and sometimes mommy needs to take care of herself and all 3 of them need to wait. So please pray for their transition home with daddy and for him as well.

I can also still use some prayers for healing. I’m feeling so much better but am not at 100% yet for some reason. I’ve got my naturopathic pharmacy here with me at the hospital to continue to boost my immune system and support my health and wellness but I would still love some prayers for continued healing and wellness for me as well please.

Thank you! So much love to all of you!

Tuesday morning update 1/23

Tuesday morning update 1/23

Gideon had another good night. I don’t have a new picture of him yet but I hear his puffiness has gone down just a bit so hopefully he will look even better in the next picture with less swelling and more color.

His central line (the big IV in his neck) was removed last night so that’s a good thing. They had to flush his PICC line (the one from his foot to his heart) with medication to prevent clotting in it which worked so his PICC line is good to use again. Another good thing.

They removed the EEG yesterday after his 48 hours was up. There are no results from that yet but there was no seizure activity seen so that’s a good thing.

The vent settings are as low as they can get them but they are unable to remove the vent completely because his body has to work too hard to maintain everything all on it’s own so he needs some assistance from medication and the vent even though he is breathing on his own. The vent is just left on for backup basically but it still hasn’t triggered yet because he hasn’t had an apneic episode.

He has monitors on his forehead to monitor his cerebral oxygenation as well as across his back to monitor his renal (kidney) oxygenation and those are the ones giving him the biggest trouble right now. They are his NIRS scores – near infrared spectroscopy and those have been declining as they wean him off of more and more medications. Those need to stay up to show that he is able to perfuse his entire body well and maintain good oxygenation throughout his entire body, even without the assistance of medicaiton and the vent and he hasn’t been able to prove that he can do that just yet. Hopefully today he will grow stronger and these #’s will improve and maintain as they continue to wean him.

Prayer request for today: maintain NIRS stats on his own with no medication / vent.

As for mama, please pray. I feel better (ish) but I still sound awful. Today is day 4 at home in ‘isolation’ without my big boys (day 10 without seeing them at all in person) of rest, fluids and a whole lot of nothing. My routine is basically to drink, eat, drink, pee, pump, rest & repeat. My biggest event of the day is taking a shower every day. Yay. I am now running out of shows to watch on Hulu and can only read a page or 2 at a time of my book before I fall asleep. I just need to get better so I can spend some time with the big boys and get back up to the hospital to relieve daddy and spend some time with Gideon. So please, pray for my health. I have a friend bringing me a neti pot today to try as well as some soverign silver that i hear is a sinus infection KILLER so I’m really hoping and praying those 2 will knock the rest of whatever is in me, out and I will be good to go!

I’ll post an updated picture of my little nugget when I get one later this afternoon. Thank you for your continued prayers, especially the specific prayers for his specific needs each and every day, we appreciate it so much!

Give blood if you get a chance! :)

Much love and many blessings to all of you!
– The Bradshaw Crew (Kari)

Monday night 1/22

His color is looking much better in this picture, I’m excited to see that!

Gideon has had a pretty good day! I have already forgotten most of what Bo updated me with on the phone but for the most part, it was all positive. He is still off the paralytics and as you can see, he’s starting to come to just a bit and open his eyes from time to time. He had the EEG removed from his head after his 48 hour brain study, I’m not sure how soon the results of his 2 EEG studies will be back. He has been weaned off the vent for the most part, its set now to assist with respirations if he is apneic (not breathing) for 20 seconds and it hasn’t activated yet so he is maintaining his respiratory rate/drive all on his own. They did increase his Epi just a tad once today to keep his blood pressure up but it was a miniscule amount and hopefully they can drop it back down again soon and his blood pressure will maintain. The catheter is still out and he is peeing, that’s great. There is concern that his PICC line is clogged so that needs to be cleared. They want to remove the central line (the big one in his neck) but need the PICC line (the one that goes in his right foot directly to his heart) to be cleared and free flowing so they still have access to him.

Bo is doing well at the hospital, he is tired. It’s hard to sleep there and exhausting to try to keep everyone updated and there are more requests from people than time to reply to them all so he is trying to balance keeping people updated (ME) and he has had a couple of visitors but even sitting to chat and enjoy company and fresh air for an hour with a friend is exhausting right now.

I’m still home sick and it doesn’t look like I’m going anywhere anytime soon. It sucks. But I can’t risk gettig anyone else sick because someone HAS to be at the hospital with Gideon and if the big boys come home, I’ll get them sick then we’ll just pass around whatever crud I have between all of us and end up taking it back up to Gideon at the hospital so I’m at home alone resting and trying to get well. I don’t feel very well. I may be throwing myself a tiny little pity party tonight. It will be a quick one though and I’ll get back to the positive thanking God for Gideons progress and how the big boys are taken care of, they have a play date tomorrow that will be so good for them and good for my parents too that’s close to home. Even though I’m not with them, I like that they are physically still pretty close to home. Any farther away than my parents house and I would be having serious anxiety about them just geographically. LOL.

I’ve received updates from some other parents in the hospital we’ve connected with as well. There is a mom in there whose 2 year old drown in a pond who had a great day today, she had a scary few days but she got off ECMO (life support) and has had 2 stable days in a row so that’s awesome news. Another gal can’t quite explain what’s going on with her daughter but we are praying for her just the same. Another family whose boy is on the heart transplant list just had his last possible surgery to keep him alive until he can have a transplant and needs that transplant to come soon for him to make it. He needs some big prayers for a transplant SOON to save his life.

For us, we need Gideon to continue making positive steps, 1 small step at a time is awesome and we’re celebrating every little victory that he makes! I need to get well, please please please pray for me to be well. My parents and the big boys can use prayers, this has been a long road for all of them. The other families we get to know talking in the family lounge, we lift them up in prayer as well. Bo needs some rest, hopefully he will have a restful night tonight up there.

I’m sure I’m forgetting a lot but that’s all I can remember for now. Going to get my last bowl of chili (from a neighbor) and my fresh salad (thank you click list & another neighbor for picking up) for dinner, pee, pump, shower, medicate and head to bed for the night. I’ll try to have another update by noon tomorrow with how he did throughout the night. Rounds are usually between 9-11am and they can take a half hour so by the time Bo is done listening to all the doctors and nurses talk then ask all his questions and take notes then call me to share, it’s around noon. They do their night rounds around 11pm so hopefully I’ll be long sleeping before those take place tonight.

Thank you for the support and prayers! Give blood if you get a chance, Gideon used a TON, you can support us by giving some back to the next baby in need :)

Monday morning 1/22

Rounds were a bit late this morning but here is your Monday morning report on Gideon!

He remained off of the paralytics all night long! HALLELUJAH!! This is a big step! His lactates did increase up to 1.9 throughout the night but he made it through and was back down to 1.1 this morning. We need him to stick in the 1.0 area in order to stay off the paralytics which they have discontinued for now and we are hopeful and prayerful that it will remain.

His cardiac output seems to be improving but his blood pressure is not quite stable yet and dips down a bit too low to come completely off the Epi but they are trying to wean that down as well.

There is some concern about kidney function as he is retaining a lot of fluids (you can see how puffy he is in the picture) so they are increasing his dose of lasix while trying to keep his kidneys in an ok range as well. It’s a delicate balancinng act with the 2.

He was weaned off the vent a little more overnight and seems to be tolerating that ok for now.

They are going to try to wean more off the morphine today as well and see how he respond to that.

Overall, there are some concerns, he isn’t “out of the woods” yet but he is showing positive trends which is a good thing.

As for me, I am still home. Not well enough to return to the hospital yet. I am eating and drinking well, resting lots, not doing much of anything other than taking care of myself and counting down the minutes until I can see my big boys and get back to the hospital to be with my little man. We are all ready to get the big boys home, have Bo and I rotate shifts at the hospital, get Gideon stable, have me be healthy and try to find some sort of normal again even with it being a difficult time for us. We just want our family back together, healthy and stable.

– My healing. I NEED to get better. 150%
– Gideon continuing to improve. Blood gasses, blood pressure, weaning from medications and vent. Keep taking positive steps forward. Perfect kidneys.
– The big boys & my parents.
– Bo. He is tired, it’s hard to sleep at the hospital.

We are just a needy bunch right now in need of a lot of prayer :) We are doing well, holding it together but we are ready for some more progress and improvement and to get the family back at the house so we can snuggle and be together.

THANK YOU for lifting us up in prayer and the encouragement, love & support!

Sunday Night 1/21

Just a quick update tonight.

They were able to wean him off some of the Epinipherine and his blood pressure and heart rate have maintained. YAY! Please pray he can get OFF of this and his heart rate and blood pressure maintain.

His lactates went back down (good) so they took him off of the paralytics AGAIN (this is the 4th or 5th time they have tried to get him off). His lactates rose back up from 1.1 to 1.3 and they are checking him every hour to monitor. Pray his lactates remain LOW so he can get off the paralytics completely and they don’t have to keep re-sedating him. If his lactates go back up, they have to paralyze him again. :(

As for me, I have food, drink & beautiful flowers at home now thanks to some neighbors & friends (LOVE Fred Meyer Clicklist – I ordered, a neighbor picked up and voila! I have food!) I am feeling much better but unfortunately not sounding much better so there is no way they would even let me near the unit the way that I sound right now. I have rested all day (drink, eat, pee, pump, rest, repeat) and am about to have dinner, pump, shower and head to bed for the night and try to sleepp for 12-18 hours so I can wake up feeling and sounding like 100% and head back to the hospital tomorrow. Some elders of a local church came over to anoint me with oil, bless me and pray healing over me and I’m certainly doing everything I can in my power to take the best care of myself to get better.

Please pray for Gideons heart rate & blood pressure to maintain even without the EPI, pray for his lactates to remain low even without the Vec (paralytic), pray for his comfort and continued positive trending throughout the night and pray for my healing. Please keep my parents in your prayers as they still have the big boys and what a mighty task that is for them and pray for the big boys as well, they are traumatized by this too. I’m setting up a care schedule for next week to have some help at home with whomever is at home for people to come hang out with the big boys to ease our transition back home. We are so emotionally raw and fragile right now, every little thing just feels overwhelming and we want to have a peaceful transition bringing the boys back home not getting overwhelmed and overdone or upset with them and their excitement to be back at home and need for a lot of attention when we are so exhausted.

THANK YOU for continuing to pray and thank you for praying so specifically for our family. I will have another update for you tomorrow afternoon. The doctors do ’rounds’ around 11am and we get to participate in those and hear all their medical stuff they plan for the day then talk to either the attending (senior) physician or the fellow (less senior physician) and they explain to us (well, me, I don’t know all the medical stuff like Bo does now, he has googled himself a PHD this past week) in kindergarten terms what it all means. I’m to the point now where I don’t want to hear any of it, my mama heart can’t bear to hear the struggles he has, I just want to know that he will live and we will get through this and they say we will so that’s enough for me for now. So I’ll post another update after rounds tomorrow.

My big boys get to have a daniel tiger party in nana & poppis bed tonight. :) Oh how I miss them!

Sunday Morning 1/21

Gideon had a fairly uneventful night. Other than peeing on multiple nurses a few times,  good boy! That’s good kidney function right there! They tried to wean him off of the paralytics again (the medication they use to paralyze you for surgery) and he did not tolerate it again. His lactates rise up too high so they have had to re-paralyze him a few times now and are just going to have to go very slowly with the weaning process for him. Apparently he needs a bit more rest. His last CBC was within normal limits (yay!) and his lactates had reduced again since they put him back on the paralytics (yay and boo – good that they got the # back down, bad that he can’t keep it down without being paralyzed). They plan to reduce his epinipherine just a little bit today and see how his heart responds to that. He looks much better without the chest tubes in.

Continued prayers for him are that his lactates remain low, his blood #’s remain within normal limits even as they continue to wean him off of some of the medications he is on, continued positive trending and for comfort.

I am still in ‘isolation’ at home. I am feeling better but not well enough to be around anyone yet. I did get some good rest last night in my own bed which felt like the most comfortable bed I have ever laid in before. One of my neighbors just dropped off food for me for the day and another neighbor is picking up a clicklist order from Fred Meyer for me so I have a bit more food in case I’m here for the rest of the day or tomorrow too. I sure hope not to be but I need to be healthy and well before I can see any of my kids. It was shocking to come home realizing I haven’t been here for a week, most of the food has spoiled in the fridge, the house is still clean since we had a house cleaner come clean it while we were in the hospital giving birth so that was nice to come home to.

Continued prayers for complete healing and wellness for me. Please continue to pray for the big boys too and Nana & Poppi who are still caring for them. They are such awesome kids but they are exhausting, especially for a nana & poppi to have them for so long.

I will keep trying to update the blog regularly for those of you who don’t have Facebook, but that is the quickest and easiest way for me to get updates our so there will likely be more updates on there than there are on here.  Here is his FB prayer page:

How can you help?

PRAY. Please. Through all of this, we have been so blessed by God. We  know He hears our and your prayers and we can’t thank you enough for lifting us up in prayer. Gideon & mommy need rest & healing!

Donate blood. Gideon has had so many transfusions and has used a ton of donated blood. Please consider giving blood, the donations that have been used for him have very literally, saved his life. Please consider donating blood for others like him who need lots of help with their blood.

There is a donation page on Paypal a friend set up to help cover the costs of food and transportation while we are staying at Childrens as well as any uncovered medical expenses. So many people have asked if they can bring us food, have flowers or balloons delivered but we can’t have that quite yet while we are still in intenstive care. There are no food/drinks allowed in his room (his room actually doubles as an operating room if there is an emergency, they do surgery right in his room with the OR team so it has to remain sterile). Bo had an unexpected visitor the other day who bought me the most beautiful flowers, they are so gorgeous but sadly, we can’t even bring them in the door of the unit at all so they are brightening up the lobby outside his unit where everyone around can enjoy them as well. Here are the instructions for the Paypal donation site:

As many of you know, Kari and Bo Bradshaw welcomed a darling baby boy, Gideon Robert on Sunday. Although a known cardiac anomaly was diagnosed prior to birth, an additional one presented itself hours after his birth. Baby Gideon was transferred to Seattle Children’s Hospital where he is awaiting heart surgery. Several people have asked how they can help? Kari and Bo are the first to recognize the miracle of life and to give their gratitude to God for this blessing. We can ease the financial burden while we await additional ways to serve this incredible family. They are most in need of funds to supplement the cost of food from the hospital cafeteria as well as the cost of gas as they travel to and from the hospital each day. Of course, medical bills also start to accumulate and one has enough to worry about in caring for the needs of a medically fragile newborn without worrying about bills. They are not ones to ask for help, but sincerely would appreciate a small donation at this challenging time. (Thank you for your generosity!!).

In order to reduce fees for both those donating and to the Bradshaw family receiving, a PayPal account has been set up where Kari and Bo can access 100% of every penny gifted to them. If you feel compelled to donate to their cause, please use
1. Log into your account
2. Go to the Menu on the upper left-hand side
3. Select Send and Request
4. Select Send to Friends and Family in the US
5. Enter their e-mail
Let me know if you have any issues, or questions, and thank you all for your continued prayers and support!

Please feel free to share this info with those who have expressed a desire to help.

Again, I can’t say it enough, we can’t thank you enough for the support you have given our family. We are so blessed, even through the trials to be so loved on and encouraged and cared for during this very difficult time. We appreciate you all so much and I do read every single comment that comes in via the blog, FB or any other means. I apologize if I don’t get back to … well… 99.9% of them but we have received a lot of love and we are so grateful and thankful to you for your continued support!

Surgical Update

Prayer Requests:
1 – A quiet night tonight. REST for everyone. Continued improvement from Gideon on his labs.

2 – Successful, quick & easy surgery early in the morning tomorrow!

3 – We are opting in for a study that’s going on right now in 3 different cities for babies 5 months and under to receive a synthetic hormone post op which has many benefits and zero risks or negative side effects. It’s a blind, random study, 50% of the kids get a placebo, 50% get the synthetic hormone. We want him to get the hormone because there are only benefits of healing proven in previous studies with it.  So please pray that he gets that and not the placebo.

4 – Please pray for my big boys. They have been abandoned by their mama since I’ve been at the hospital with Gideon and they are feeling it. I’m feeling it. We all need to hug each other.

5 – Pray for Gideons blood to be healthy. It’s not. We don’t know why…

On to the update………….

Well, you already read about the answer to prayer we had about reassurance regarding the surgeon. That was pretty awesome. Meeting him in person was really awesome. REALLY awesome. The surgeon doing Gideons repair tomorrow is Dr Michael Chen. If you want to know more, here is his page:

He seems to be an amazing man (of course, he’s head of all things pediatric cardiology and has won multiple awards including Seattles Top Doctor for 3 years in a row and who knows what else) but we loved his personality and his presence, his confidence, we just liked him. He’s a likeable guy :)

The plan is for surgery tomorrow morning. Friday 1/19, he is the first case at 7:30. They are doing a mid line sternotomy (open the chest through the sternum) but only fixing the external structures of the heart tomorrow. The aorta (in 2 places) and the pulmonary artery. He does not have to have his heart opened tomorrow. He will be put on bypass and cooled, have the external structures repaired, hopefully closed back up, warmed, taken off bypass and delivered back to us in great shape. The surgery should take about 3-4 hours, plus the time to prep-start lines-cool, etc so the surgeon expects to be done around lunch time.

I’m learning very quickly that I don’t do what I plan to do up here, time flies by multiple hours in a row and I get absolutely nothing done that I had on my list of things to do (read, rest, walk around, post an update, eat food, take a shower, etc). So, while I would love to say I will post an update about surgery tomorrow afternoon around lunch, I know that’s just not going to happen. Heck, this post you’re reading right now was started almost 24 hours ago and hasn’t been posted yet. So there you go, that’s how quickly you can lose 24 whole hours in the hospital! Lol.

If you want up to the minute updates, and you’re on FB, join his prayer page. That’s where I post the most because it’s quick and it’s easy and I can do it right from my phone. Here is the link:

If you want to know what you can do to help, PRAY! Send good thoughts, vibes, whatever positive goodness you want to send to us, we will take! A friend has also set up a paypal gift/donation site to help with expenses of food and gas while we’re here as well as potential out of pocket medical expenses. Here is her post regarding that:

Here is the post my friend made about the donation site:
As many of you know, Kari and Bo Bradshaw welcomed a darling baby boy, Gideon Robert on Sunday. Although a known cardiac anomaly was diagnosed prior to birth, an additional one presented itself hours after his birth. Baby Gideon was transferred to Seattle Children’s Hospital where he is awaiting heart surgery. Several people have asked how they can help? Kari and Bo are the first to recognize the miracle of life and to give their gratitude to God for this blessing. We can ease the financial burden while we await additional ways to serve this incredible family. They are most in need of funds to supplement the cost of food from the hospital cafeteria as well as the cost of gas as they travel to and from the hospital each day. Of course, medical bills also start to accumulate and one has enough to worry about in caring for the needs of a medically fragile newborn without worrying about bills. They are not ones to ask for help, but sincerely would appreciate a small donation at this challenging time. (Thank you for your generosity!!).

In order to reduce fees for both those donating and to the Bradshaw family receiving, a PayPal account has been set up where Kari and Bo can access 100% of every penny gifted to them. If you feel compelled to donate to their cause, please use
1. Log into your account
2. Go to the Menu on the upper left-hand side
3. Select Send and Request
4. Select Send to Friends and Family in the US
5. Enter their e-mail
Let me know if you have any issues, or questions, and thank you all for your continued prayers and support!

Please feel free to share this info with those who have expressed a desire to help.

Gideon had a great day today.  He got lots of things removed and looks like a normal, healthy baby for the most part. His blood #’s have improved (they draw in the evening for day shift and 4am for night shift). He will have 1 or 2 more draws before surgery which are traumatic because he does have something unknown with his blood they are investigating and it makes him near impossible to draw on be it a heel stick, venous puncture or arterial puncture. It’s just traumatic and it won’t be an issue after surgery when he has his big central line in but for now, it just sucks. They were able to remove his bair hug heater (the big plastic tube surrounding him) today as well as the bili lights so Bo and I look forward to holding and snuggling him tonight since he doesn’t have to be under the lights anymore. He is not on any oxygen and is maintaining his temperature well on his own. I pray this positive trend just continues to increase for surgery and moreso for post op time.

We can not thank you enough for the continued support. We know so many people are praying for him and thinking of us and have helped financially, Bo and I keep reading notifications, comments that are posted, shares of the blog with kind words, scriptures that are sent to encourage us, notifications of donations, just so so so many blessings and we just sit in awe and cry at how blessed we are. We may be in a bit of a storm, but we are blessed and cared for by a big God who is using all of you to help us through. You are helping. Your prayers are heard. Your thoughts and love are felt. I wish there was something more that I could say to express our deep gratitude and appreciation we have for all of you supporting us. I’ll have to keep thinking of what that is….

Much love,
The Bradshaw Crew – Kari

The Angel down the hall….

I want to share one of the many stories about how God has blessed Bo and I during this journey. This has been an unexpected ride with a lot of unknowns and scary things being thrown at us. We were talking and praying the other day for some reassurance. The surgical plan that we were expecting had changed, the condition for which Gideon is being treated had changed (again), the treatment plan changed, all of these things keep changing and we get told about them and just have to deal. Of course they are going to do what’s best for our baby but we often have questions and want to ask the doctor or the cardiologist or the surgeon that are specific to their specialties and their treatment plans because sometimes the 3 of them who are the most significant people in his care don’t seem to be on the same page. But they are busy. The CICU, PICU & NICU here at Seattle Childrens are all on divert meaning they are no longer accepting patients. Every bed is full, all the rooms are full, the surgical schedule is full so we know that they are busy. But sometimes it would be so much easier to feel reassured about going along with these plans if we could see the ‘wizards behind the curtain’. In this case it was the surgeon. We had never met him, we have no idea what he’s like, if we even like him, trust him, want him to be the one operating on our boy so we were praying asking for some reassurance. Please God give us some tiny little sign that we are going to be comfortable with this man, that we will trust him, that we will feel good about putting our sons life into his capable hands and have confidence in his skill.

As we finished our conversation, a baby was whisked emergently down the hall in an incubator past our room. The baby was being ventilated with a bag valve mask so clearly not breathing on their own. The mother, with blond hair, an ivory sweater & black pants followed the baby in the incubator with her head hung low crying as they whisked her baby off. I started crying sitting on my bed in Gideons room watching the scene and told Bo I needed to go hug that mama. Like, I NEEDED to go hug that mama right now. I was drawn to her like a moth to a flame and I have no idea why because I have absolutely no idea who she is but I had to have some contact with that woman. I went out into the hallway and her and the team were gone already. I felt awful. I thougth about her all day long and prayed for her and her baby and whatever they were going through.

Some hours later, Bo and I walked into the family lounge to refill my water heading back to our room. There she was! The blond haired, ivory sweater sad mom from earlier. She was watching a tv show on her ipad sitting on the bench chair in front of her with her head down. As soon as we walked into the lounge and saw her, I started to cry and told Bo again, I have to go hug that mama right now. Bo said ‘do it! I certainly can’t go up and hug some strange woman in the lounge’. lol. So I went and sat down next to her and put my hand on her leg to get her attention and realized that SHE was our messenger from God and the answer to the prayers we had prayed. I told her I had seen her baby go by emergently and I felt so bad and I just wanted to give her a hug (she let me) and we got to talking. I told her how sorry I was about the situation she was in, not knowing anything about it at all and she shared with us. She shared how sick her little daughter is who has been here for 1 month since the day she was born. She told us how she has never seen her daughters face because she’s always been on a vent and how she hasn’t had the chance to hold her daughter because she has had so many surgeries and is still open from her previous surgery and is on and off life support so often. She shared about her journey here for the past month and asked about ours. We shared about Gideon and she immediately asked us who was doing his surgery. We told her and she got so excited, she had passoin in her eyes and excitedly told us about all the research she had done on the 4 cardiac surgeons they have here and about how he did her daughters first heart surgery and he is the best and just gushed on and on about how wonderful he is and skilled and kind and humble and confident. All the things we were hoping to feel about our surgeon that we specifically asked God about, she told us verbally he had, without us ever saying a word to her about it.

THANK YOU GOD. Yes, I get it, you heard our prayer and you answered our prayer. THANK YOU.

I had been thinking about her and her daughter and praying for them for the next 24 hours and wanted to know how they were doing. Last night, I walked into the family lounge and was so excited to see her in there, bringing in some food with her husband (I assumed) and 3 friends to sit down and enjoy some time together. I excitedly walked over to her, put my hand on her shoulder and asked her with a smile “How is she doing!?!”. She looked up at me from her seat in the chair, put her hand on my hand on her shoulder and got tears in her eyes. I held my breath waiting to hear what she was about to tell me. She said “tomorrow will be the last day you see me here” and we both started to sob and she stood up and held me as I cried for her mama heart and I held her as she had to share her news.

Today is her daughters 1 month birthday. Her daughter was born at 4pm today and they are removing life support at 4pm and saying goodbye to her. I can barely even write this looking at my computer screen through the tears rolling down my face thinking of what she is going through and is yet to go through. I’m so thankful to God that he sent her to us to answer our prayers and my heart breaks deeply for her.

I write this to share how thankful we are to God for hearing our prayers, for hearing YOUR prayers that you are lifting up for us and for Gideon. We know God hears our prayers, this is just 1 example of how he has answered those prayers for us, there are so many more.

I also write this to ask you to please pray for her. At 4pm today, please pray for this family as they say goodbye to their precious daughter at the time of her birth 1 month later and deal with the grieving process that will follow. I’m not even certain of her name and don’t know her daughters name at all but God knows and He can comfort their family so please, join us in praying for that family now, at 4pm and on as they start their new journey.

Thank you

Wednesday Morning 1/17

Wow, I have so much to write. There are literally a million things in my mind that I want to share with you all. I’m going to just sit down, let me fingers lose on the keyboard and what comes out, comes out. It will be a disjointed, unorganized, emotional mess of thoughts and stories so please forgive the mess of it all but I want to share how we are doing, ,what’s going on, how God is blessing us, just a whole bunch of random stuff. So here goes….

Last night getting a break from the bili light. No oxygen!! YAY! The plastic looking puffed up tube around him is his heater. He can’t have blankets due to the bili light but he doesn’t  maintain his temp very well and he can’t have an overhead heater due to the bili lights either so this is a ventilated tube that goes all around him filled with warm air pumped inside to keep him warm. 

His birth story is hysterical. I will save that for another blog post. You will laugh when I get a chance to write it :)

How are we right now? We are good. Bo and I are both at the hospital, a friend has the big boys today and they will go back to my parents house tonight. I can’t even express how thankful I am that Bo and I have mostly been up here together the whole time and the kids are cared for near home. We are going to need more help with childcare and will likely come up with a sort of schedule (I have a friend working on this for me already) for people to help out with things like child care, probably some meals, stuff like that. We aren’t to that point yet but it’s in the works and will be posted when we figure out what the needs are, where, how and when.

All 3 of us slept at the hospital last night which is HUGE. I hadn’t slept since last Tuesday evening (that’s about when labor started for me) so I had become quite the train wreck walking around like an absolute hormonal, emotional, exhausted, sore crazy woman in a thick fog. I slept for 4 hours in a row and was ready to get up and take on the day at 4am because it felt so good. I did lay back down and got another hour or so of sleep and some nice time to just lay and rest, think and pray. Bo stayed up late hanging with Gideon and got more of his sleep in this morning while I was up hanging with Gideon. That brings up the question, ‘what does it mean to hang with Gideon?’ Well, since we can’t hold him right now because he’s under the bili light, we just stand at his bedside and touch his head. There is usually a nurse in here every hour doing something, trying to get labs, swapping monitor leads, changing his diaper, checking his leads, re-positiioning him, listening to his heart/lungs/tummy/etc, checking his pulse points, swapping blood pressure cuff sites. There is a lot they do for him and we participate in most of that by helpinng to hold or move him or his wires and cords but usually it’s just to have our hand on him to calm and settle him and hold his binkie in his mouth for him because he hasn’t figured out how to do that on his own yet. He sucks 1 or 2 times and get really excited about it then the binkie pops out and he gets really upset. It’s quite funny and adorable so we just hold it in for him. :) We prop it up with a blanket but he moves quite a bit and turns from side to side so that never lasts long.

How am I doing? I’m doing great! I did have a vaginal delivery and was a high risk patient for post birth hemorrhage so once they got me pulled up in the computer, they placed orders for pitocin and I was given pitocin pretty quickly after birth to help stop the bleeding. (Hint: that’s a funny part about the birth story… I delivered him prior to even being pulled up in the computer system and prior to making it to the labor & delivery room). My post birth bleeding has been fantastic, much less than with any other birth (Thank you God so I could be discharged in 7 hours after delivering) and pain is well controlled mostly with water because I forget to take Ibuprofen or a pain pill and it’s not bad enough to remind me that I could feel better if I took one.

Has he had surgery? No. The tentative plan is to have surgery on Friday. There are 2 surgical options we are exploring. Both are now major surgeries requiring a mid line sternomoty (open his chest) rather than the smaller surgery being able to be done by accessing the outside of the heart from his side and both will require him to be put on bypass which is a big bummer too. We thought he could have the 1 smaller, emergency surgery now then go on with life, take him home, let him grow and get strong then return in 4-6 months for the big surgery later but due to the complications with the veins, arteries, valves and anatomy of his heart, that’s no longer an option. We learned a lot after the cardiac conference they had yesterday and spent quite a while speaking with one of the cardiologists in our room.

What’s next? We are waiting to meet with the surgeon. His surgeon is the Chief of Pediatric Cardiovascular Surgery and Co-director of the heart center at Seattle Chidrens, Dr Johathan Chen: We have been told he is the best of the best, we are going to love him and feel so comfortable with him, be reassured by him and are so lucky to have him. We pray all of this is true as soon as we meet him. So, we are on post at the hospital awaiting a meeting with him. We were hoping to meet him last night after the cardiac conference but didn’t get a chance to so we hoped he would stop in this morning before he got started with his day but his day started early with surgery and since he’s a pediatric cardiothoracic surgeon, there pretty much is no ‘quick’ surgery so we have absolutely no idea when he will be available to meet with us and we are staying put right where we are until we get to talk to him face to face.

Surgery is tentatively scheduled for Friday. Gideon can’t eat until after surgery so he is hungry and cranky. He forcefully shoves his fists in his mouth and tries to suck on his hands but just gets frustrated. Hence all the time we stand at his bedside holding his binkie in for him, it’s very soothing and calming for him right now and it’s the only thing we can do so that’s what we do. He is getting nutrition and fluids both via IV, he has continued to poop meconium and has multiple wet diapers per day so we are thankful for that. Especially since the nurses change his diapers LOL :)

His hematocrit/hemoglobin have been at critically high levels nearly requiring a partial blood transfusion with saline. The goal is to get him around 60. They are required to transfuse at 75. Yesterday morning he was at 71.5 so they added extra fluids to him hoping that would help lower his levels. We threw a huge party last night when his levels came back at 60 after the draw. I got a little sad this morning when his level was rising back up again and made it too 65. They are increasing his fluids during the day today and will increase fluid and nutrition tonight when they hang his new bag of nutrition so hopefully, his next check will be better.

His blood: it’s thick. like the consistency of elmers glue thick. This is a big risk factor for many different things and will get the surgery postponed if it doesn’t improve. He doesn’t have good circulation to his whole body with blood the consistency of glue. Add to that the fact that one of the anomolies of his heart is a narrowing of the aorta that supplies blood to the lower portion of his heart and that’s just a double whammy for poor circulation for him from his chest down to the rest of his body. That is why he can’t eat, he doesn’t have enough blood flow to his gut to process nutrients through his tummy so they are going into his central line instead. When he gets fussy and angry and his respiratory rate goes up, his O2 saturation goes down and his fingers and toes turn a pretty dark shade of purple. He will also get cold to the touch on his extremeties because of poor circulation. Getting and keeping his hematocrit down will help this. Surgery will fix the rest of it.

His bilirubin is high. We don’t know what it is because, due to the hematocrit problem, they are unable to get a sample of blood to test. The blood hemolyzes (sp?) meaning his red blood cells burst and stuff oozes and mixes that’s not supposed too as soon as it is drawn and they can’t get a result from the test. Either that or the blood just clots and they can’t test that either. So we don’t even know what his bilirubin is now, they tried to check last night and this morning and were unsuccessful so they will wait until his draw tonight to check again. We’re praying it will be reduced quite a bit.

Respiratory Status: He is no longer on any O2 at all. His nasal cannula is off his face and they will remove his stickers from his face if he tolerates that well all day, tonight when he gets his bath. His respiratory rate fluctuates quite a bit which means his O2 sats fluctuate quite a bit which is a bit scary. Sometimes he has to work to breathe, sometimes he is just chill, calm and highly satting which is fantastic. Not being on any O2 at all is a big blessing. We are so thankful he is strong enough to do that on his own, especially with the medication he is on (Prostaglandins) that keep a duct open in his heart which is why he has perfusion to his lower 1/2 of his body right now. That medication can cause patients to literally forget to breathe and they stop breathing so he was initially put on high flow O2 with the medication to stimulate his respiratory tract and make him remember to breathe so it’s awesome he doesn’t need that and can breathe on his own adequately.

My eyes are starting to cross. I can’t think of any other questions I have received that have been unanswered at this point yet. I have so many more stories to tell. The birth story, the story of the sweet angel gal next door who God used to bless our hearts in a MIGHTY way, the blessings upon blessing that just keep getting stacked in our lap by all of you, the staff here, and how God orchestrates everything to meet our needs. We are so blessed and we are so thankful and so grateful and we are still in a scary place with our little man and there are so many unknowns at this point and all of this medical stuff can be so scary and disheartening sometimes. But we know that God loves Gideon more than we even can and we love him more than we can imagine so we are thankful for that. The social worker today asked me why we chose the name we did and we told her because we knew he was being born to battle and Gideon means warrior and God provided for Gideon in the bible, had his back, took care of him, rose him above his circumstances to make him a mighty warrior for God and that’s who we are calling our little Gideon to be. A might warrior for God who overcomes his circumstances by the grace and power of God. She said this is the 2nd Gideon she has ever met and the other one was named that for the exact same reason. So sweet.

How to help. A friend has generously set up a paypal donation link for us to help with costs. We’ve been in the hospital for 4 days now, Bo has driven back and forth a bit, we are buying food, whether it be at the grocery store to eat prepared here or from the cafeteria or even just the starbucks downstairs. People have offered to send flowers or meals to the hospital but we can’t have any of those. Gideon is in the Cardiac Intensive Care Unit, they are sterile rooms (we learned last night that they even do surgery right in these rooms in emergency situations) so they have to keep them sterile. No food or drink, no balloons, no flowers or plants, none of that. There is a family lounge/kitchen where we have a small shelf to store food and a small space in a fridge to store food as well and there is a microwave we have access to so we can have small amounts of food in the family lounge. I thought we could use gift cards to gas stations or grocery stores to buy food/gas/groceries or local restaurants to eat while we’re here but #1 – we have no idea what gas stations or food places are around, #2 – we don’t know if or when we will leave the hospital because we always seem to be waiting to talk to someone, the attending, the fellow, the cardiologist, the surgeon, we have a lot of questions regarding his treatment and care and they all want to check in with us as well so we stay here to make ourselves available for those meetings since the doctors and surgeons are all so busy. All of the intensive care units at seattle childrens, we were told this morning, are on divert for new patients meaning the NICU, PICU & CICU (neonatal, pediatric & cardiac intenstive care units) are not accepting new patients and turning patients away from the hospital because all of their rooms here are full. They can not accept any more patients because there is no where to put them. So we understand how busy the doctors and staff are and will stay and wait until they have time to get to us to discuss our questions and their plans and appreciate all the time that they do give us when they are available. All that to say, my friend set up the paypal link for us so we get 100% of the funds with no fees of any sort directly to our bank account and can use our debit card to grab a coffee at starbucks downstairs or grab a meal at the cafeteria or get a tank of gas as we drive to and from the hospital. That way no one has to leave their house to go drive and buy us something, we get a note when $$ has been donated and can set that money aside for hospital related costs. I did receive some nursing mom vouchers today, since Gideon is their patient and I am supposedly providing all his meals for him (I am pumping, they are just delayed getting to him) I qualify for some free meals here as the patient would normally qualify for some meals. So we received some vouchers for me to get some free meals this morning which is great. We have no idea how long we will be here but it should be at least another week, probably closer to 2 or 3. We are going to start having 1 of us at home most of the time so the kids can be at home and have their parents, continue home schooling, be in their environment, my parents can have a break, etc. and so we can arrange child care for when we really need it like surgery day, the day or 2 or 3 or 4 post op when he is the most critical and we both want to be here again.

Here is the post my friend made about the donation site:
As many of you know, Kari and Bo Bradshaw welcomed a darling baby boy, Gideon Robert on Sunday. Although a known cardiac anomaly was diagnosed prior to birth, an additional one presented itself hours after his birth. Baby Gideon was transferred to Seattle Children’s Hospital where he is awaiting heart surgery. Several people have asked how they can help? Kari and Bo are the first to recognize the miracle of life and to give their gratitude to God for this blessing. We can ease the financial burden while we await additional ways to serve this incredible family. They are most in need of funds to supplement the cost of food from the hospital cafeteria as well as the cost of gas as they travel to and from the hospital each day. Of course, medical bills also start to accumulate and one has enough to worry about in caring for the needs of a medically fragile newborn without worrying about bills. They are not ones to ask for help, but sincerely would appreciate a small donation at this challenging time. (Thank you for your generosity!!).

In order to reduce fees for both those donating and to the Bradshaw family receiving, a PayPal account has been set up where Kari and Bo can access 100% of every penny gifted to them. If you feel compelled to donate to their cause, please use
1. Log into your account
2. Go to the Menu on the upper left-hand side
3. Select Send and Request
4. Select Send to Friends and Family in the US
5. Enter their e-mail
Let me know if you have any issues, or questions, and thank you all for your continued prayers and support!

Please feel free to share this info with those who have expressed a desire to help.

We truly can’t thank you enough for all the love, prayers & support. You guys are so amazing and awesome, we are so blessed. I will continue to post prayer requests as needed on his FB Prayer Support Page, please join that page for the most up to date requests and events. It’s quicker and easier for me to update there (I can take a pic and throw up a prayer request real easy with my phone rather than having to sit down at my laptop to write out a whole blog) but I’ll continue to update via blog too since not everyone has FB. Here is his page you can join for updates:

Thank you! We love you! We are blessed by you! I will do my best to keep you update as much/often as I can!

Current prayers: Hematocrit to reduce, Bilirubin to reduce, ease of breathing and good O2 saturation, a meeting with the surgeon soon and peace of mind with our decision regarding which surgery we go with, continued rest for us all here, our 3 big boys and their caregivers, healing for Gideon and I, I think that’s about it for now.

The pictures posted here are from today.

The Bradshaw Crew – Kari