We always make sure we take care of our responsibilities before we play…. She will hang out and read with us too. Normally she wants to lay ON my bible at night in bed when I read, she’s not as comfortable with daddy though, she still keeps her distance from him :) We came home from Trader Joes with some groceries last night. Of course they use only paper bags which Bowser had to check out.
“What’s this new toy daddy?”
“I can’t figure out how to get inside!?!”
“Thanks dad!!”
Bowser!? Where’d you go!?!?
“Here I am !! Peek a boo”
“I’ll get you daddy!”
“Uh oh… daddy got me…”
“Put me down please! Thank you.” (he was swinging her around the room in the brown paper bag with handles) “Gimme!!!! I’ll get it!
“Nap time”“all done. leave me alone”
Chloe Playdate

Chloe (actually bowser) finally got bored of all the chasing going on and decide to find something else to do. For bowser it was to pass out, for Chloe it was to find something else to play with.

She asked if she could take the ball downstairs to play with it downstairs with uncle Bo. Again, sure, why the heck not!?!? Seemed like a great idea to me! (again, i’m SO not a mom). I may have even mentioned to her that she could just toss it down the stairs… (oops)

Bo and Kari

She likes to snuggle… I was sitting on the couch working on my computer and apparently she was jealous so she came up to snuggle ON me so i couldn’t work anymore. She LOVES to be in the “nook” whether I’m sitting up or laying down, she wants to curl up right under my chin. Tired kitty…

This is her favorite toy. It’s a jingly hard plastic ball that we’ve tied Christmas ribbon too. It’s endless entertainment for us as we throw it up and down the stairs to each other on either end and watch her rocket up and down until she’s too tired to move anymore and lays down. She will chase you around the entire house at mock 5 after this thing and as you can see, she will even climb the walls to get to it. It’s hysterical and we usually play with her every night with it.
My parents 36th wedding anniversary
Mom & Dad & Chloe of course
spending time with family? free…..
putting on dinner for 6 (& 1/2) ? $50…
the “catch phrase” game? $20
(it was NOT me)
Christmas 2008 #3
Christmas 2008 #2
This was our Christmas # 2 at my sisters house with my sister Trina, her husband Joe & my niece Chloe. Mom & dad were there as well as Grandma (dads mom).
The WHOLE family (except for precious the dog)
Joseph having some intimate time with the really good turkey he deep fried. it was So good!
Trina & Chloe kissing & doing eskimo kisses… Chloe closes her eyes to kiss everytime
Popi (dad) rubbing Chloes back
Christmas 2008 # 1
This was Christmas # 1 with Bo’s immediate family. His mom Shirley, sister Kati (& baby on the way) and husband Dan and his brother Bobby and wife Sarah with their 2 kids Isabelle and the newest edition Violet.
Dan wearing his new christmas present
Kati (& baby but you can’t tell yet…)
The mom… in laws… UGH… hahaha. Don’t play the game of life with your in laws….
2008 Snow Pictures
More Baby Bowser….
Here are a few more pictures of our new kitten.
Rolling around on the laundry room floor (her room)
Opening her Christmas Stocking
(she came with it….from her old owners)
getting flung with a spiraly stick… she was having fun
Almost tipping backwards off her climbing post
Watching TV!! Seriously, she’s like my parents dog,
she laid and WATCHED the tv for a long time… Bo
was watching Kung Fu Panda
*** BABY BOWSER !!! ***
I met her a month or 2 ago at a poker party with some friends from church. I don’t remember what her real name is but I’ve decided to name her “Bowser”, even Bo thinks that’s cute. We didn’t really know the people who owned her, we just went to their house a couple times to play poker and I was of course FAR more interested in her than I was of winning money!
Her and I became immediate friends, she would lay over my shoulder while sitting at the poker table playing and fall asleep snuggling me on my shoulder. Her owners made jokes about me taking her home because they had been thinking of getting rid of her.
She is a pure bread persian kitten under a year old and she’s the sweetest thing! She was recently stuck under a house so she has a bit of a boo boo on her back and she came with medicine for me to put on her little bald spot on her back.
We’re going to keep her in the laundry room for a day so she KNOWS where her litter box is before she starts exploring the rest of the house. She came with a climbing toy, food, medicine and an electric litter box. Bo’s rule is that she won’t sleep in our bed but I have a comfy warm little spot for her just on the outside of my side of the bed :) (hehe)
Ok well I have to run, I’ve spent too much time away from her already, i’m going to see if i can create something to make her a bed out of so she stays warm in there and go lay down with her for a while. MERRY CHRISTMAS TO MEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!
More pictures soon… yes i am one of those moms who takes a katrillion pictures of their kid doing absolutely NOTHING that drives people INSANE but I want the memories with her so I’ll do it anyways! Come back soon for more pictures and stories!
…………. yeah that laundry room thing lasted about a half hour. i just put her back after we explored ALL of the downstairs. she is such a good girl, i don’t think she has a clue what her name is but she didn’t bolt up the stairs like she wanted to! She stopped half way when i called her and let me pick her up. she is very snuggly and loves to be held and pet…. she’s a friendly loveable kitty just like her new momma!!!