This one is still small enough to fit in my purse though so I can be sure to have it handy with me whenever I’m in the store. Now if I just knew all the rules for the stores I shop at (Safeway, Fred Meyer & Walgreens) so I knew where I could double and triple and see what’s on sale, etc I’d be set. I guess that’s just more learning and reading blogs though. It’s becoming quite the hobby, with all the money I’m saving, I should be buying scrapbook stuff!!!!!
Fuzzy McBusterson
More couponing loot…
The 6′ swag above the kitchen cabinets with christmas lights in it (we used our own strand)
2 of the 4 small matching swag pieces added into what we already have on the coffee table.
We took the clock off the wall and replaced it with the matching wreath.
We also got our christmas tree today! We cut off the bottom and had to take a few of the branches off the bottom as well that were too low and I didn’t want to just throw them out because they look nice and smell good. So I took the twigs that we normally have in this vass out and put a large plastic cup in the bottom with water and christmas tree juice and put some of the branches in there, I think it looks nice and it smells great! Then I added the last 2 swags that I had left to this to tie it all in together!
Here are the frames we got. We got 4 – 8×10’s and 3 – 5×7’s because they were on such great sale and we’re planning on hanging a ton of pictures in the near future. I LOVE them, we actually wanted more but they were sold out so we got a rain check for more after they get more in.
Here is a bit more of the detail of the wood work. Dark brownish/black sort of rustic looking, the picture of course doesn’t do it any justice but they are really pretty frames.
Total retail for all of this was $273.42. I paid $100 even! Savings of about 65%! WOO HOO!!!
Thanksgiving # 3
And our nice little dinner. Turkey, mashed potatoes & gravy, stuffing & deviled eggs.
It was tasty! (mom, like our table cloth??) hahaha
Retail price on this is $58.27 (MSRP) and I got it all for $10.21!!!! That’s a savings of about 83%! WOO HOO!!! My first excellent couponing experience, I’m so excited!! Now if I could only do that every week at the grocery store!!! Thanks Kati!!!
Here are some pictures with Bo’s family.
Bobby (brother) cutting the Turkey
Dan (brother in law), Violet (niece) & Bo
Brandon, Ashton & Malokai (cousin & 2nd cousins)
The only picture I couldn’t find was of Aiden so I stole one from his website! This is our first nephew!
Then on to Seattle for Thanksgiving #2 for the day…..
My camera ran out of batteries at our first thanksgiving and apparently the 2 spares I had charged didn’t actually charge so I could only snap 2 quick pictures in the afternoon with my side of the family.
We had such a great day! Bo stuffed himself stupid on his family’s traditional Thanksgiving feast (olives, deviled eggs, stuffed celery, mashed potatoes and chips & dip) and I ate well at my family’s feast with deviled eggs, stuffed celery, salad & a bite of Turkey.
We have a 19 lb Turkey to stuff and cook on Saturday when Bo and I have our own personal Thanksgiving feast at home this weekend. We don’t plan on eating the turkey fresh baked from the oven but we’re gonna have a LOT of sandwiches for the weeks to follow :)
I took a quick break mid-blog while writing this and came back to this…………………
We hope you had as enjoyable a day giving thanks celebrating with your friends and family as we did, we are blessed!
Bows in a box
Movie Time!!

Pumpkin Party !!
We couldn’t even fit everyone at the table, we used the bar too.
Here is Jan with 1 of her 2 or 3 pumpkins she completed… Martha style completely covered in gold glitter, it’s so cute!
Truck with his flying ghost
(thanks for the cookies truck, I had them for breakfast this morning) :)
Robert and Eve with her beautiful Autumn gold pumpkin she decorated
(Eve I also ate that bread for breakfast, I have to buy some of that it was SO GOOD!)
Dave and Carol with their Jack-O-Lanterns
Donna and her ENORMOUS pumpkin face with hair cut on top!
Tom and Jan with their happy and mad Jack-O-Lanters
Bob & Evie and their cute ones with tongues!
Bo and I with his Mario (Bert) and my KiT-Ten!
The whole group minus a few who were sadly unable to make it last night. We prayed for you all who couldn’t be with us and missed having your company there. But we still had a great time, ate too much tasty food and got some cute pics!
Bows missed us
It was 58 degrees in the house when we got back home so Bo snuggled up in a blanket and Bows snuggled right up with him! This is generally how she sleeps EVERY night on me, never on Bo but she sleeps on my back in bed every night. We missed her too!