A terrifying answer to prayer…

Friends! You did it! We have another answered prayer to thank you for! On my last blog, I asked for prayer that we would get Dr Chen for Gideon’s surgery before he takes his new position heading up the best Pediatric Cardiothoracic surgery center in the nation at CHOP in Pittsburg. WE GOT HIM! The surgical team at Seattle Children’s were presented Gideon’s case this week and he has agreed to work us in before he leaves! This is FANTASTIC news! THANK YOU for praying!

It’s also terrifying news because that means, Gideon will actually, truly be having his big open heart surgery in just 6 weeks. I just barfed in my mouth typing that sentence. I am not prepared for this yet. Physically, mentally, emotionally. I’m not sure I will be prepared even in 6 weeks when the time comes, but he’s been doing so well, I’ve been happily living in denial about how soon his surgery would come and even pushed it out of my mind entirely at times to just enjoy the time I have been having with him now. I supposed that’s both a blessing and a curse. I enjoy my time with him, he is getting so fun and full of personality, I just love our time together without fearing what’s to come. On the other hand, I don’t think about what’s to come to try to come to terms with it in my heart and my head and have been living in oblivion about it.  We don’t have the actual date yet but I should know before the end of the week.

So now I guess it’s time to get serious about prep. Time to start making and freezing meals, making sure he gets some sort of a bottle at least once per day so he has lots of practice on how to safely and effectively drink from a bottle in case we need to do that. Time to start preparing my heart and my mind and my kids for another hospital stay. Schedule childcare for the big boys for after we  get home and are dividing our time between home and the hospital. Lots to do… 6 weeks to do it. Thank God & ugh all in the same breath.

Special thanks to Sara at  The Blessed Everyday Photography for these super sweet photos of Gideon she captured this weekend.

5 Replies to “A terrifying answer to prayer…”

  1. Kari, you are the strongest young women I know. I say special prayers for Gideon and ask God a to help you through the most trying times I can’t even imagine. He loves you and that sweet baby so much you are blessed. I love you and pray for you and Gideon every night, I didn’t forget the boys or Bo .

  2. I have you and your family on multiple prayer chains, and I include you all in my daily prayers. Keep up a positive attitude, you are always better having a glass half full than half empty :):):)

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